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Introducing Myself...

A picture of me.

My name is Katie Fraser Kirk. I've worked in Education for 16 years, and during that time I've taught and worked closely with children who have additional needs. Through my experience, I've developed confidence and a toolkit of strategies for managing complex behaviours. I use a positive approach that promotes self-esteem and social / emotional development, while limiting anxiety and shame.

My knowledge and experience of mental health has extended over the course of my career, and as I've been raising my 3 children (now 5, 9 and 11). I've taken opportunities to learn more about attachment and child mental health, which has led me to realise that I have an unusual and broad knowledge base, which spans Literature, Education, Parenting, Yoga, and Mental Health. Yoga has had a positive influence on my life and my mental health, and as a teacher I understand how these benefits can be shared with children too.

My experience teaching English, and my love of story-telling, mean that I understand how stories unlock children's imaginations. The stories I choose for my Yoga lessons, I have carefully selected for their literary features, firstly because they allow for interesting Yoga. Secondly, because they illustrate a message in a really accessible way, that promotes understanding through imagery, metaphor, actions, vocabulary, character's feelings, and situations. There is so much you can convey through stories!

Often we rely on 'telling' children, rather than 'showing' them. Children remember their experiences and how they felt more than words we speak, and that's why my lessons are not just me telling the children “do this... say this...” They are a complete learning experience. A multi-sensory, interactive, cross-curricular lesson. When you choose Imagine Breathe Achieve, you are not just choosing Yoga for mental health or fitness. You are choosing an experienced, creative, expressive, story-teller and communicator, who is passionate about inclusion, competent in positive behaviour management skills, and who has a drive to improve mental health for all children.

I look forward to meeting you and the children at your school. I can't wait to share my skills and learn from yours too.

Teaching Qualifications and Experience

  • ⭐ English Literature Degree
  • ⭐ Qualified Secondary School TA Level 1
  • ⭐ Qualified Secondary School English Teacher
  • ⭐ Experience of teaching Secondary age children with Special Educational Needs
  • ⭐ Experience as a Primary School Teaching Assistant
  • ⭐ Experience at Chetham's School of Music supporting musically gifted children with other areas of social and emotional difficulties
  • ⭐ Trained and experienced in how to support Primary and Secondary age children who have additional needs, such as:
    • ADHD / Dyslexia / ASD / EAL / Dyspraxia / Hearing Impaired / Speech and Language / Behavioural problems

Pastoral / Mental Health Training and Experience

  • ⭐ Attended the training course 'Understanding the Neuroscience of Attachment, Toxic Stress and Shame' by Beyond Psychology
  • ⭐ Completed 'Mental Health Champions' by Place2Be
  • ⭐ Competent in behaviour management strategies and have knowledge of Webster-Stratton parenting approach
  • ⭐ Trained in PREVENT
  • ⭐ Trained in safeguarding
  • ⭐ Trained in ENCOMPASS
  • ⭐ Qualified as a Yoga Teacher for ages 3-8 with Creative Calm
  • ⭐ Qualified as a Yoga Teacher for ages 8-12 with Creative Calm
  • ⭐ Personal experience of mental health issues
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